RV Lifestyle

Golf Carts

How many times have you been to a campground and seen all of the “seasonal campers” riding around on their golf carts and thought “man that looks like fun!”?  Well, on a recent camping trip to a very large campground we realized exactly how valuable a golf cart can be.

The campground we went to was over 150 acres.  The walk from our campsite to the lake took over 15 minutes.  The campground was huge!  Our truck gets about 8 miles to the gallon.  Not something that you want to just tool around a campground in.  Thankfully our friends are seasonal campers at this campground and they had a golf cart.  We had a blast!  The girls would hop on and just ride around exploring, waving to other campers, and giggle.

Since this camping trip Fred has been obsessed with golf carts.  He saw that we were having so much fun that he decided we must buy one!  No.  Really, we have enough stuff in our garage.  I have no idea where we would store it (Fred is a bit of a “collector”).  So, we went on to research how you would go about renting one.  Guess what!  It is really pretty easy!

We contacted a local golf cart dealership and they rent golf carts too!  They will even deliver!  The local dealership that we contacted charges about $120 for Friday through Sunday.  If you would like them to deliver it is an extra fee of about $70.  They will deliver the golf cart to the campground or even to your campsite.  It could be waiting for you when you get there!  FYI.  A standard golf cart will also fit in the back of a pickup, for another option. We contacted a few other campground heavy areas, both in Minnesota and in large tourist areas (Orlando, San Diego, etc) and found golf cart dealerships that rent there too!  The prices all seemed to be pretty consistent too.

When renting a golf cart for your vacation it is important to consider a couple of features.  First, how many people will be riding the cart?  Most dealerships have the common one bench seat option (with room for golf clubs in the back) and a two bench seat.  The two bench seat option typically has one bench facing forward and one bench in back facing backward.

There are also LIMO golf carts.  These can typically transport up to six adults.

The second feature to consider is gas vs. electric.  We recommend electric.  It is quiet and the battery lasts a REALLY long time.

Another item to consider is insurance.  The dealerships that we contacted do not offer insurance.  This means that you need to provide your own insurance.  According to the dealerships that we spoke to the most common option is to add it to your homeowners policy.  Another option is to contact your auto insurance carrier and ask if they will cover a rental golf cart.  Either way the dealership WILL ask for proof of insurance.

Of course, it is also important to check the campground’s rules to see that they allow golf carts and what, if any, rules they have for driving one on their property.

Happy Camping!


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